The statement of scientific publication code ethics is based on the LIPI Regulation Number 5 in 2014 about Scientific Publication Code Ethics, which uphold three ethical values in publication, they are (i) neutrality, it is clear from conflict of interest in the publication processing; (ii) justice, it gives right to the writer to claim his/her papers; and (iii) Honesty, it is clear from duplicating, fabricating, falsification, and plagiarism (DF2P) in publication.
Duties and Responsibilities of the Publisher
- Deciding the journal's title, the study scope, the period, and accreditation if necessary.
- Arranging the membership of the editorial committee.
- Defining the relationship between the publisher, editor, experts, and other participants in the agreement.
- Respect confidential things, whether for the contributed researchers, writers/authors, editors, or experts.
- Applying norms and conditions about intellectual property rights, especially copyrights.
- Studying the journal policies and delivering them to the authors/writers.
- Creating code ethics guidance for editors and experts.
- Publishing the journal regularly.
- Giving guarantees the availability of funding sources for the continuity of journal publication.
- Setting networks and marketing.
- Preparing the license and other legalizing things.
Duties and Responsibilities of the editors
- Meeting the readers' and authors' requirements.
- Attempting to the increasing of publication quality continuously.
- Applying the process to ensure the quality of published papers/articles.
- Promoting freedom of ideas objectively.
- Maintaining the integrity of the academic track record of the authors/writers.
- Submitting corrections, clarifications, returning, and apologizing if necessary.
- Responsible for the style and form of the writing, whilst the content and any statements written in writing are the responsibility of the writers/authors.
- Actively asking the writer/authors, readers, experts, and the editors' committee about their opinion and suggestion to increase the publication quality.
- Promoting the assessment to the journal for each finding.
- Supporting the ideas to decrease the research and publication errors by having the authors/writers enclose their Ethic Clearance forms that have been approved by the Ethic Clearance Commission.
- Participating in ideas to educate the researchers about publication ethics.
- Studying the effects of publication policies on the writers/authors and experts and fixing them to increase the responsibilities and minimize errors.
- Having an open-minded attitude toward new or others' ideas which possibly oppose personal view.
- Do not force on his/her own view, authors/writers or third parties view that can cause giving subjective decision.
- Motivate the authors/writers to make constructive improvements to have the proper publications.
Duties and Responsibilities of the authors
- Ensure that the author who registers has met the requirements as an author.
- Collectively responsible for his profession and the content of the article, including the method, analysis, calculation/measurement, and details.
- State the sources (including funds) directly or indirectly.
- Explain the limits in his/her writing.
- Give a response to the correction given by the expert professionally and on time.
- Inform the editor if she/he wants to cancel his/her participation.
- Make a statement letter stating that the paper is genuine, never published in other publishers and in any other languages, and not in the process of proposing to the other publishers.